
Google Data Studio – Pivot table as filter control

To go fast, Pivot table is a good solution to get filter control combining 2 consistent dimensions.

Of course, assuming that:

  • There is a strong correlation between the combined dimensions
  • The cardinality of values for each dimension is low (and so the pivot table displays easily all the combinations by default)

In the example below, I create a pivot table filter using page views of device categories and responsive versions. Responsive version is a simple Google Analytics custom dimension, collecting the width media version of the website grid design.

Google Data Studio - Pivot table as filter control

We can also use it for the following other use cases :

  • Traffic channels / cost model
  • User types / buckets of number of sessions
  • Product brands / product ranges
  • CTA wording / CTA colors for for multivariate testing
  • [UPDATE] Content categories / content targeted audiences for the Data Studio resources report made by the GDS hero, Sir Lee Hurst @Helpfullee

Pivot table configuration

Create your pivot table selecting the wished row and column dimensions, then, on the data tab:

  • Select the right metric; Page views in this example
  • Display the metric as Percent of total to get additional easy-to-ready information on the filter
  • Show grand total for rows and column to get intermediary sums
  • Sort row and column by dimension ascending, to not have to depend to metric state
  • Activate “Apply filter”

Google Data Studio - Pivot table as filter control

Additional tip

For all chart filters, you can select several values or combinations of values using crtl+click (mac cmd+click).

Un clic vaut mieux que 2 tu l’auras