
Google Data Studio – Conditional formatting on table chart for e-commerce funnel by product

The 24th of October, Google Data Studio team launched conditional formatting. You will find a video overview on my blog. Now, it is time to play with this new feature for e-commerce purposes, using Google Analytics enhanced e-commerce data.

Google Data Studio - Table chart conditional formatting for e-commerce funnel by product
Google Data Studio – Table chart conditional formatting for e-commerce funnel by product

Let’s create a table displaying products list with related funnel performance through the following metrics:

  • Product detail views
  • Adds to cart
  • Unique purchases

And, the related intermediary rate metrics to follow transitions between each e-commerce stage.

Full video configuration

The video below shows how to configure your simple table to look like to funnel lines with step blocks and related rates using simple tricks:

  1. Centering metrics columns values
  2. Just for fun & see how conditional formatting feature works, Conditional formatting with constant valid rules to apply a color background to all cells (rows and lines)
  3. Change of the colors of specific columns with conditional formatting with constant valid rules fo rate metrics (white)
  4. “Real” conditional formatting of rate metrics to follow the performance (red and orange here)
  5. Lines drawing for steps transitions

Ceci n’est pas une pipe